'W' as Jimmy Carter...
I've heard the rumblings from some on the internet that 'W' is really just another Jimmy Carter. Other than both being unpopular presidents, 'W' and Carter could not be more different. And while it might be interesting to compare and contrast these two, I had a thought I found more compelling. I think 'W' is the new Nixon.
I think Bush will leave the Republicans high and dry in the upcoming elections. The Democrats stand a good chance to sweep many national elections and will probably put a person in the white house in '08 regardless of who they put forth, solely on the public opinion backlash against Bush. I don't see the Democrats earning these seats on merit or promises, but merely on the bad state of public opinion left by the Republicans, much as Nixon left things in the early '70s.
What came of the Nixon backlash was what I consider to be the worst economic period of my lifetime, the late '70s and the Carter administration. I truly fear that a directionless Democratic party will take their new found power and make matters worse. The Democrats need to shore up their platform and start planning now. I was watching a Michael Moore speach on CPAN a couple of months ago. He was talking to a large group of Democrat big wigs. He asked a very simple question: "What do the Democrats stand for?" I was the only one with an answer, the Democrats are the party of abortion. Its their one unifying issue. Its not an issue that will help with any of the large problems the country faces now (large deficits, oil dependance, Iraq etc). Without a more reasonable response to this query the country stands to lose greatly in the upcoming elections.
The white house has already come to the same conclusion as I have as evidenced by their staffing shake-down. They realize that they have very little time to reverse public opinion and shore up poll numbers before election time. I know I hope they can turn things around, but I know many more people who are gleefully fiddling while Rome burns.
I'd be interested in seeing what others think (and explore the 'W' as Nixon/Carter angles).
I think Bush will leave the Republicans high and dry in the upcoming elections. The Democrats stand a good chance to sweep many national elections and will probably put a person in the white house in '08 regardless of who they put forth, solely on the public opinion backlash against Bush. I don't see the Democrats earning these seats on merit or promises, but merely on the bad state of public opinion left by the Republicans, much as Nixon left things in the early '70s.
What came of the Nixon backlash was what I consider to be the worst economic period of my lifetime, the late '70s and the Carter administration. I truly fear that a directionless Democratic party will take their new found power and make matters worse. The Democrats need to shore up their platform and start planning now. I was watching a Michael Moore speach on CPAN a couple of months ago. He was talking to a large group of Democrat big wigs. He asked a very simple question: "What do the Democrats stand for?" I was the only one with an answer, the Democrats are the party of abortion. Its their one unifying issue. Its not an issue that will help with any of the large problems the country faces now (large deficits, oil dependance, Iraq etc). Without a more reasonable response to this query the country stands to lose greatly in the upcoming elections.
The white house has already come to the same conclusion as I have as evidenced by their staffing shake-down. They realize that they have very little time to reverse public opinion and shore up poll numbers before election time. I know I hope they can turn things around, but I know many more people who are gleefully fiddling while Rome burns.
I'd be interested in seeing what others think (and explore the 'W' as Nixon/Carter angles).