Monday, September 19, 2005

N Report...week 3...3-0

So another couple of games have come and gone. To be frank, Nebraska looks terrible. Bill Callahan, our new coach, has brought with him from the NFL the "West Coast Offense". Watching the game Saturday against Pitt we're running the "Gulf Coast Offense", it sure looks like a disaster to me. We got a single touchdown on what Coach Callahan would call an 'ill conceived run', since the QB took off with the ball. That was it for our scoring. It took a last second miracle to keep the game from being a loss. (Those of you who watched the game on TV know of what I speak.)

What's odd is our running back (I don't remember what they're call in the West Coast) got 153 yards rushing, but we only had two hundred some odd yards total offense.

All I can say about Bill Callahan is I have a lot more respect for Rich Gannon.

So let's recap the season so far:
Beat a Div 1AA Maine team by 18 points. Maine lost a home game this weekend.
Beat a Div 1 ACC bottom feeder in Wake Forest 31-3. Wake Forest is the Kansas of the ACC.
Beat an 0-3 Pitt team 7-6. This is a Pitt team that lost to our fomer coach.

Its going to be a long conference schedule. Looking over what we have left I'd say:
ISU: Loss (close?)
Texas Tech: Loss (Big?)
Baylor: Win (close?)
Mizzou: ????
Oklahoma: ???? (At the beginning of the year this was a sure loss, now??)
Kansas: Loss (First time in forever, the last of a long line of in conference, decades long win streaks. It'll be sad to see this one go.)
KSU: ????? (Oh I hate these guys.)
CU: Loss (Oh I hate these guys too.)
That puts us with a season ending 4-4-3
So at best I'm guessing 7-4, at worst 3-8 (An 8 loss streak would spell the doom of someone.)

I don't see a bowl in Nebraska's near future (since the Maine game does not count towards bowl eligibility). I hope I'm wrong. My hope is that Callahan somehow gets the offense on track and our defense is for real and we win the Big XII north and get to play spoiler for a certain group of big headed spoiled brats from the lone star state. (We all know the lone star is Vince Young.) Pay back for '96 would be sweat.

Ah but I can dream.

I will say our defense looks pretty good, but I don't think they've been truly tested. We'll see what happens when Iowa State and Texas Tech come to town.

Oh, by the way, there's a picture showing where my seats are in Memorial Stadium. This picture is 12 years old, but the seat is still there. (This is looking East.)


Blogger Zathras said...

Here are my predictions:

ISU: Loss, probably a very bad one. I saw what they did to Iowa. 28-6

Texas Tech: Worst Loss in many years for Nebraska. Be afraid, be very afraid. 42-14

Baylor: Win. probably another 7-6, 9-7 type win.

Mizzou: probably a loss, but not a bad one. 14-10

Oklahoma: the biggest question mark here. probably a loss, but within a touchdown. 21-17

Kansas: Sorry, but I agree with you here. KU 17, N 10

KSU: KS is terrible this year. This will be Nebraska's only other win this year. Maybe 21-13?

CU: Rapists 20, Cornhuskers 7

2:41 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

Zathras says:"Texas Tech: Worst Loss in many years...42-14"

Carl replies: Zathras wasn't paying attention to last years NU-Tech game....70-10

3:29 PM  
Blogger Zathras said...

Oops, I meant "worst home loss"

3:37 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

If Tech beats us 42 - 14, I'll bet I'll have a really interesting blog post for that week.

4:10 PM  

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